PDF Ebook Che Guevara: The Life and Death of Che Guevara, by Marina Castaneda

November 18, 2018 0 Comments

PDF Ebook Che Guevara: The Life and Death of Che Guevara, by Marina Castaneda

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Che Guevara: The Life and Death of Che Guevara, by Marina Castaneda

Che Guevara: The Life and Death of Che Guevara, by Marina Castaneda

Che Guevara: The Life and Death of Che Guevara, by Marina Castaneda

PDF Ebook Che Guevara: The Life and Death of Che Guevara, by Marina Castaneda

Wissen ist ein Prozess, der in jedem Zeitalter von allen Menschen erfahren werden. In dieser Situation haben wir die Bücher immer, die gesammelt und Überprüfung werden sollen. Che Guevara: The Life And Death Of Che Guevara, By Marina Castaneda ist nur eine der Führungen, die wir ständig in der Entdeckung für Sie vorschlagen. Dies ist die Methode, wie Sie mit dem Thema lernen betreffen. Wenn Sie die Sichtbarkeit von Führungen haben, sollten Sie genau sehen, wie dieses Buch wirklich zu empfehlen ist.

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Che Guevara: The Life and Death of Che Guevara, by Marina Castaneda


Ernesto Che Guevara, an Argentinian doctor of middle-class parents, rose to fight with Fidel Castro in the Cuban revolution and later tried to spread that revolution in other countries in Latin America and Africa. This is an account of a man who became a cultural icon to a generation.


Taschenbuch: 480 Seiten

Verlag: Bloomsbury Publishing; Auflage: 1 (25. Juni 1998)

Sprache: Englisch

ISBN-10: 0747535205

ISBN-13: 978-0747535201

Größe und/oder Gewicht:

12,9 x 2,8 x 19,8 cm

Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:

4.5 von 5 Sternen

3 Kundenrezensionen

Amazon Bestseller-Rang:

Nr. 1.042.402 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)

This very passionate work does a good job of clearing up misconceptions and making Che's ideas and philosohy more readily available. Che has become a sort of enigmatic figure in our times and it is disturbing how so many people just plaster his image and "claim" to be a "compa~nero" without really knowing what Che stood for and what he accomplished in his life. This is a very welcome biography on one of the most influential and misunderstood revolutionaries. This book was written by someone who is not only passionate about it, but who is also able to be objective. I highly recommend this book to anyone who is interested in learning more about Che.

Conducted with great care for truth and balance this book provides a sound introduction to the events in the Life of this 20th Century's warrior and theoretician. I disagree with many of the authors political analysis and I think he misses the Spiritual side of Che's enterprise on Earth. But without doubt a must for those who want to think History by themselves.

this book makes me think how unfair this world can be. i mean i can't understand it why people like che have to die while others are still alive. the author did a very good job and this book shows in the best way that if che still lived, our world would be much better. hasta la victoria siempre!

What an amazing book! I recommend it to literally everyone who encounters me reading it. Written very academically, but not stuffily,this book is empathetic and well-researched. Not only that, but it references numerous sources that are also well-renowned, as well as some that aren't as popular, but present possibly conflicting viewpoints. The combination of hard research and personal interviews, plus the excellent pacing and placement of chapters are captivating. I did not put this book down until it was finished, and I'm currently reading it again.Biographies are always important to read, especially those of high-profile figures who have rarely been presented objectively. This book does that about Guevara, but still manages to shy away from being too clinical or boring. Castaneda presents Ernesto Guevara as an exceptional figure, but emphasizes his humanity and failings throughout, making him much more relatable, especially for readers frustrated with the ethical and social failings of the contemporary political climate.

the book is quite detailed and well researched. the author does a good job of citing his sources and noting where there are disagreements among them. imho, i think his use of "without due process" when referring to executions carried out by che was a wise one. the use of the word "murder" would have been a biased one. those against che would have liked it, but those in favor of che would have disagreed. the use of this rather noncommittal, but factual phrase let's the reader decide.i especially liked the analysis written about castro's dilemma of che's bolivian expedition. the author gives many points of view in regard to castro's aid and rescue options. many points to ponder regardless of your political views.

This biography gives a detailed account of the life of Ernesto "Che" Guevara, from his childhood days in upper-middle class Argentina to his death during a completely hopeless attempt at guerrilla war in Bolivia.Che was a complex, and certainly a driven man. He would not let impossible odds or his sometimes poor health allow to stop him. Casteneda explains very well how both his character as well as his experiences in Latin America shaped him that way. The Mexican historian succeeds in giving an excellent account of both the historical events that Che was a part of and of Che's psychological states motivating him to act in these events. The question when and how Che was transformed from a talented son of the privileged class in Argentina who liked to travel to a fierce fighter for the liberation of the proletariat is pondered at length. Along the way, the reader learns a lot about Latin American history and politics. Che's relationship with the other Cuban revolutionaries, especially Fidel Castro, as far as it is accessible for an outsider, is elaborated on.This book is scholarly written but nevertheless very readable. Casteneda clearly has sympathies for the subject of his biography, but he is critical when it is warranted. Particularly, he points out his failures as an economist and as a military strategist: the efforts of exporting the revolution to the Congo and to Bolivia were ill conceived from the beginning, as the popular support in these places was not comparable to pre-revolutionary Cuba. Despite all these deficits, the spirit of solidarity with the world's poor and suppressed, that Che lived, impressed me as a reader and seemed to have impressed Casteneda. He finishes with a look at Che as a cultural icon, his face printed on countless T-shirts, and on the inspiration he provided for many. After reading the last page of this book one is tempted to shout whole-heartedly "Hasta la victoria siempre!"

This is absolutely the most academic, objective read on Che I have come across. Most books either romanticize this complex, dashing, revolutionary communist leader, or they speak from personal tragedy experienced, directly or indirectly, from " the brains behind the cuban revolution". However, this author works from copious research, givIng the reader almost overwhelming footnotes, which makes for an active read as opposed to a leisurely read for recreation. You will definently have to work to grip the information given, but if you want an unbiased view of this argentine guerrilla, this book is a must read and more intellectually honest then any other bio on Che.

As a bit of a Cuban Revolution scholar, I found Castaneda's book to add a depth and insight found no where else in the Che literature. The volume of footnotes may frighten some off, but they can mostly be ignored. This book gives a remarkable sense of the incredibly difficult task of actually trying to run a country after a revolution and in the face of such opposition. While much of the book is complex research at its' best, the final chapter is a thing of beauty. Castaneda give meaning to both the life of Che and meaning to the impact of the 1960's on the society at large. The final two pages are brilliant.

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Che Guevara: The Life and Death of Che Guevara, by Marina Castaneda PDF

Che Guevara: The Life and Death of Che Guevara, by Marina Castaneda PDF

Che Guevara: The Life and Death of Che Guevara, by Marina Castaneda PDF
Che Guevara: The Life and Death of Che Guevara, by Marina Castaneda PDF

Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.

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