Kostenfreier Download A Dream Given Form: The Unofficial Guide to the Universe of Babylon 5, by Ensley F. Guffey K. Dale Koontz

April 06, 2018 0 Comments

Kostenfreier Download A Dream Given Form: The Unofficial Guide to the Universe of Babylon 5, by Ensley F. Guffey K. Dale Koontz

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A Dream Given Form: The Unofficial Guide to the Universe of Babylon 5, by Ensley F. Guffey K. Dale Koontz

A Dream Given Form: The Unofficial Guide to the Universe of Babylon 5, by Ensley F. Guffey K. Dale Koontz

A Dream Given Form: The Unofficial Guide to the Universe of Babylon 5, by Ensley F. Guffey K. Dale Koontz

Kostenfreier Download A Dream Given Form: The Unofficial Guide to the Universe of Babylon 5, by Ensley F. Guffey K. Dale Koontz

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A Dream Given Form: The Unofficial Guide to the Universe of Babylon 5, by Ensley F. Guffey K. Dale Koontz


Praise for Wanna Cook Impressively comprehensive, a solid work recommended to devotees of Breaking Bad. Publishers Weekly This 'unofficial' companion book is essential for fans of Breaking Bad and for those who want to learn more about what some have called the 'greatest television show.' Library Journal"Praise for Wanna Cook "Impressively comprehensive, a solid work recommended to devotees of Breaking Bad." -- Publishers Weekly "This 'unofficial' companion book is essential for fans of Breaking Bad and for those who want to learn more about what some have called the 'greatest television show.'" -- Library Journal


The only comprehensive critical guide to the beloved sci-fi phenomenonA Dream Given Form provides an accessible, comprehensive, and critical look at Babylon 5, one of the most groundbreaking series of all time. Nearly 20 years after the show ended, this indispensable companion not only covers all five seasons of Babylon 5, but also the feature-length TV movies, the spinoff series Crusade (including three non-produced episodes), The Legend of the Rangers, The Lost Tales, the canonical novels, the DC comic book series, and the short stories set in the Babylon 5 universe. Each season and text is explored thoroughly with an in-depth look at how the individual episodes, books, stories, and comics fit into larger ongoing storylines.Carefully constructed to be enjoyed by both those who have watched the series multiple times and viewers watching for the first time, A Dream Given Form elucidates without spoiling and illuminates without nitpicking.

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Taschenbuch: 480 Seiten

Verlag: ECW Press,Canada (19. Oktober 2017)

Sprache: Englisch

ISBN-10: 1770412654

ISBN-13: 978-1770412651

Größe und/oder Gewicht:

15 x 3,3 x 22,6 cm

Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:

5.0 von 5 Sternen

1 Kundenrezension

Amazon Bestseller-Rang:

Nr. 71.167 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)

It is great to see that there is at last a comprehensive book dealing with Babylon 5. For many people this may be a more or less obscure sci-fi fad of the 90's with cheap CGI effects. But Babylon 5 has truly been a milestone regarding the development of serial TV. It was one of the first TV series with a continuous story arc, leading to truly deep character development and a layered story. The fact that this book is published roughly 20 years after the last Babylon 5 episode aired shows that the real potential of the series seems to be truly recognized. First and foremost, the book is a good episode guide. It explains the plot of every episode, shows its importance for the overall story arc and explains all the references in the episode towards to source material that influenced J. Michael Straczynski, the creator of the show. It is not as fully detailed as Andy Lane's two-parter "The Babylon File" which was released in the 90's. But that book might be out of print. "Dream given Form" does also analyze "Crusade", the short-lived spin-off series of Babylon 5 as well as "Legend of the Rangers", a pilot that sadly missed to fire off a new series and the most recent "Lost Tales" DVD. I hope that this book can rekindle the interest in Babylon 5. I would hope so.

A Dream Given Form: The Unofficial Guide to the Universe of Babylon 5, by Ensley F. Guffey K. Dale Koontz PDF
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A Dream Given Form: The Unofficial Guide to the Universe of Babylon 5, by Ensley F. Guffey K. Dale Koontz PDF

A Dream Given Form: The Unofficial Guide to the Universe of Babylon 5, by Ensley F. Guffey K. Dale Koontz PDF

A Dream Given Form: The Unofficial Guide to the Universe of Babylon 5, by Ensley F. Guffey K. Dale Koontz PDF
A Dream Given Form: The Unofficial Guide to the Universe of Babylon 5, by Ensley F. Guffey K. Dale Koontz PDF

Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.

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